
Charles Grant

The Spectator podcast: Trump vs Europe

03 February 2025
Katy Balls speaks to Kate Andrews and Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. Trump’s tariff spree continues… After making good on his election promise to opt for another round of tariffs – a 25 per cent tax on imports from Canada and Mexico and a 10 per cent levy on Chinese goods – Trump has now turned his attention to Europe.
Ian Bond

This Is Not A Drill podcast with Gavin Esler: Deep Waters - Russia’s undersea information war

30 January 2025
In the latest episode of This Is Not A Drill, Gavin Esler discusses the threat to European infrastructure from undersea sabotage with Sophia Besch, a senior fellow in the Europe Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. And to assess the wider threat from potential hybrid warfare operations we hear from Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform.
Sander Tordoir

BNR Nieuws: Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis sluit Volkswagen een Duitse fabriek

19 December 2024
Volkswagen maakte in september bekend te overwegen voor het eerst twee fabrieken te sluiten in Duitsland. Aanleiding daarvoor is overcapaciteit door een zwakkere autoverkoop in Europa, vooral van elektrische auto's. Dat resulteerde in een massale staking door het personeel van de autobouwer. Sander Tordoir, hoofdeconoom van denktank Centre for European Reform vertelt hoe het er nu voorstaat met Volkswagen.
John Springford

ITV News: New economic partnership with EU will 'do little' to offset the costs of Brexit

09 December 2024
The Brexit reset is being "oversold" says John Springford from the Centre for European Reform.
Ian Bond

Voice of America: Ian Bond: "The proposal to Ukraine to join NATO is still rather an attractive figure of speech"

10 October 2024
According to Ian Bond, the deputy director of the London-based Centre for European Reform, who spoke with the Russian service of the Voice of America, there is still a whole group of NATO countries, led by the United States, that are not sure that Ukraine should be granted full membership of NATO.
EPRS policy roundtable: EU finances: Is Next Generation EU delivering?

EPRS policy roundtable: EU finances: Is Next Generation EU delivering?

01 October 2024
Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the CER spoke at the EPRS policy roundtable (from 44.00 mins).
Sander Tordoir

NPO Radio 1: Hoe gaat het economisch met Duitsland?

30 September 2024
De economische motor van Europa lijkt uit te pruttelen. Duitsland staat keer op keer voor nieuwe problemen, na de coronacrisis en de energiecrisis lijkt de de Duitse autoindustrie nu op de rand van de afgrond te staan. 
Sander Tordoir

Future is blue podcast: What Mario Draghi's report means for Europe

18 September 2024
Carlos Carnicero Urabayen is joined by Sander Tordoir and Raymond Torres to discuss the key findings and implications of Mario Draghi’s recent report on Europe's competitiveness.
Ian Bond

TRT World: Can Ukraine maintain its gains from the incursion into Russia?

16 August 2024
Ian Bond, deputy director of the CER spoke to TRT World about Ukraine's incursion into Russian territory.
Zach Meyers

The World: US judge rules that Google has a monopoly on internet searches

06 August 2024
A federal judge in the US has ruled that Google is a monopoly. It’s considered a massive ruling against one of the world’s most valuable companies. The World’s Host Marco Werman speaks with Zach Meyers, assistant director at the Centre for European reform, about the consequences of this ruling for Google in its global operations and whether or not it aligns the US closer to Europe’s antitrust position.
Charles Grant

The Spectator Podcast: Keir Starmer: ‘We want to reset relationships with EU’

18 July 2024
Charles Grant, director of the CER spoke on The Spectator podcast and discussed Keir Starmer’s attempt to reset relations with EU.

FUTURE IS BLUE PODCAST: Europe's post-election economic landscape: key issues and strategic directions

16 July 2024
In this episode of "Future is Blue," host Carlos Urabayen discusses the post-election economic outlook for Europe with Sander Tordoir, Chief Economist at the Centre for European Reform, and Raymond Torres, Director of Funcas Europe. They explore the challenges and opportunities for the new European Commission, focusing on climate transition,...
Charles Grant

FT podcast - Rachman Review: Britain's role in a changing Europe

11 July 2024
Charles Grant, director of the London-based Centre for European Reform think-tank joins Gideon Rachman on his podcast to discuss how easy will it be for Keir Starmer, Britain’s new prime minister, to reset relations with the EU, and what impact will political disarray in France have on leadership within the bloc? 
Charles Grant

LSM.LV: Kas kopīgs Sunakam un Makronam, un kā labējā Trampa–Orbāna ass var apdraudēt ES? Intervij ar Londonas Eiropas Reformu centra direktoru

06 July 2024
Šonedēļ Eiropas politiskajā kalendārā ir divas parlamenta vēlēšanas – Francijā un Lielbritānijā. Lielbritānijā smagu zaudējumu jau piedzīvojusi 14 gadus pie varas esošā konservatīvo partija, kuras vadītājs un nu jau bijušais premjers Riši Sunaks šīs priekšlaicīgās vēlēšanas izsludināja.
Charles Grant

Voice of America: Внеочередные выборы в британский парламент

05 July 2024
В Великобритании – досрочные выборы в парламент, грозящие полной сменой правительства. Каких последствий ждут эксперты для внутренней и внешней политики Лондона? Charles Grant, director, CER speaks to Voice of America (from 7.27mins).
Zselyke Csaky

Voice of America: Hungary in the chair of the EU presidency

02 July 2024
Zselyke Csaky spoke to Voice of America on what can Ukraine and Europe expect from Orban. (From 3:30 mins). 
Charles Grant

BBC Radio 4 - The World Tonight: French centrists and Left strike deals to squeeze out National Rally

01 July 2024
Charles Grant spoke to 'The World Tonight' and explained the impact a far-right French government would have on the EU.
Charles Grant

Real Instituto Elcano: Jacques Delors y su legado en la Unión Europea. Conversación con Charles Grant

03 June 2024
La Unión Europea ha sido moldeada por numerosos líderes visionarios, entre los cuales Jacques Delors destaca por su impacto duradero. En este vídeo, Charles Powell, director del Real Instituto Elcano, dialoga con Charles Grant, director del Centre for European Reform y autor de "Delors: Inside the house that Jacques built” Sobre los logros y desafíos de Delors.
Luigi Scazzieri

ISPI podcast: Tories ai minimi storici, Sunak annuncia le elezioni in UK - Globally

24 May 2024
Il prime minister britannico Sunak ha indetto le elezioni generali in Regno Unito per il 4 luglio, con alcuni mesi di anticipo sulla fine naturale del mandato. A cosa è dovuta questa scelta? E cosa significa per UK e Europa? Francesco Rocchetti e Silvia Boccard ne parlano con Luigi Scazzieri,...
Charles Grant

The Spectator Podcast - Coffee House Shots: Can Lammy charm Trump?

09 May 2024
Charles Grant spoke on the Spectator podcast about David Cameron, David Lammy, Donald Trump and China.
