
ABC News: Russia's looming role in Syrian peace talks

03 February 2016
Syrian peace talks aimed at ending the country's five year war are struggling to get off the ground amid continued air strikes from Russia. Ian Bond, the director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, discusses Russia's role in the UN-brokered talks.

Radio 5 Live Daily: David Cameron's benefit proposals

29 January 2016
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform discusses David Cameron's proposals on benefits (listen from 10.37).

Daily Politics: Cameron's Brussels renegotiations

29 January 2016
John Springford joins the Daily Politics show to discuss David Cameron's renegotiation efforts in Brussels (from 7.43 mins).
Video speech by Sandro Gozi, 18 January 2016

Video speech by Sandro Gozi, 18 January 2016

Sandro Gozi
18 January 2016
Speech by Sandro Gozi, Undersecretary for Europe, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Rome delivered to the CER/Istituto Affari Internazionali seminar on 'Between power and rules: The geopolitics of TTIP', Rome

Video speech by Marietje Schaake MEP

Marietje Schaake
18 January 2016
Speech by Marietje Schaake MEP delivered to the CER/Istituto Affari Internazionali seminar on 'Between power and rules: The geopolitics of TTIP', Rome

Tok FM: David Cameron zabiega o poparcie dla reformy UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 January 2016
David Cameron zabiega o poparcie dla reformy UE. Rozmawiają Agata Gostyńska i Jakub Janiszewski

Tok FM: Odcinek audycji 'Połączenie'

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
10 November 2015
UE według Davida Camerona. Rozmawiają Agata Gostyńska i Jakub Janiszewski

LBC Radio: Cameron's EU renegotiations

03 November 2015
Ian Bond speaks to LBC radio on David Cameron's EU renegotiations.

BBC World at One: Cameron's EU referendum negotiations

12 October 2015
Charles Grant discusses David Cameron's EU referendum negotiations with Martha Kearney (at 18:08) on BBC Radio 4, the World at One.

BBC World Service: Europe’s migrant influx threatens Schengen

01 September 2015
John Springford discusses the impact of Schendgen on business.

The Calais crisis: Discussion with Mark Reckless and Emily Maitlis

Camino Mortera-Martinez
05 August 2015
Camino Mortera-Martinez discusses the Calais crisis with Mark Reckless and Emily Maitlis.
Watch the debate here (17:40).

Financial Times: Has Greece crisis created a two-speed Europe?

Christian Odendahl
04 August 2015
Christian Odendahl talks to the Financial Times about the Greek crisis (4:48).

BBC Newsnight: Migrant crisis

30 July 2015
Charles Grant discusses the current migrant crisis: watch it here (21:30) and why the UK is a favoured destination for migrants.

Behind the scenes at our 17th birthday party

29 July 2015
With a keynote speech by Joschka Fischer, German foreign minister and vice chancellor from 1998 to 2005. Hosted by HE Witold Sobkow, ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the UK.
Video on: Westminster's scrutiny of European affairs

Video on: Westminster's scrutiny of European affairs

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
15 July 2015
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska discusses her most recent CER publication 'A ten-point plan to strengthen Westminster's oversight of EU policy'.
See her publication here.

BBC Newsnight live from Athens: Duncan Weldon talks to Simon Tilford on the Greek crisis

Simon Tilford
06 July 2015
Live from Athens, as the Greeks and the Euro face the consequences of a no vote. The BBC are hit in the wallet. And have Labour forgotten how to win?
Simon Tilford talks to Duncan Weldon on the Greek crisis: watch it here (12:39/ 14:18).

Radio 4 - Week in Westminster: Greek crisis and the eurozone

27 June 2015
Charles Grant speaks on the 'Week in Westminster' discussing the Greek crisis and the eurozone.

China Central TV: EU at a crossroads

26 June 2015
Ian Bond is interviewed by China Central TV English service, along with Francois Godement of ECFR and George Tzogopoulos, on the Greek crisis in Europe.

Share Radio: Why TTIP negotiations face a slowdown

Rem Korteweg
16 June 2015
Rem Korteweg discusses the TTIP negotiations with Share Radio.

France Culture: Bruxelles, et après ?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
14 June 2015
Interview de Camino Mortera-Martinez, chercheuse au Centre for European Reform, un think tank londonien. 
Le 14 juin 1985, les accords de Schengen étaient signés par les cinq Etat membres de la Communauté économique européenne d'alors. Ils sont entrés en vigueur en 1995 et 26 Etats dont 22 membres de l'Union européenne...