Foreign policy & defence
Voice of America: French military spending squeeze prompts top General's resignation
20 July 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to Henry Ridgwell as France's military head has resigned after a clash with President Emmanuel Macron over budget cuts.
NATO needs a European 2 per cent
27 May 2017
EU Observer
NATO's summit in Brussels, the first for US president Donald Trump, was intended as a fresh start, a chance for him to distance himself from previous comments in which he called NATO obsolete.
Nato summit: How will the Alliance handle Trump today?
25 May 2017
Today, Donald Trump will be attending the NATO summit in Brussels, all signs point to a Europe eager to appease him.
CER podcast: The EU, Russia and China: Difficult neighbours?
17 May 2017
In the week of the One Belt One Road Summit, Ian Bond talks about the complex relationships and rivalries between Russia, China and the EU, and how the EU should move forward to defuse tensions.
Between Russia and the EU, Eastern Europe's future is uncertain
22 March 2017
The Moscow Times
Eastern Europe, dotted with frozen conflicts of Russia’s making, is stuck in transition to an uncertain future.
Britische Trümpfe: London wird die Sicherheitspolitik in den Brexit-Verhandlungen nutzen wollen
01 March 2017
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Premierministerin Theresa May hat signalisiert, bei den Austrittsverhandlungen mit der EU auch Großbritanniens militär- und sicherheitspolitisches Gewicht in die Waagschale werden zu wollen – ein riskantes Spiel für die EU, aber auch für die Briten.
A quantum solace - defence in Brexit negotiations
01 March 2017
Berlin Policy Journal
The UK's exit negotiations with the EU have not yet officially begun, but it is already becoming clear that no policy area will remain unaffected - not even security and defence policy cooperation.
CER podcast: Daniel Keohane on the future of European Defence after Brexit and Trump
28 February 2017
Discussion on how Brexit will affect EU defence co-operation and how the UK can use its special relationship with the US to get a better deal from Europeans.
CER podcast: Kori Schake on Donald Trump and what he means for Europe
09 February 2017
Kori Schake discusses how European leaders should approach the Donald Trump presidency, the real checks and balances of the American political system and why she is optimistic about the NATO Summit.
Voice of America: EU-Tripoli Migrant Deal Ignores Political Chaos in Libya, Analysts Warn
04 February 2017
Luigi Scazzieri talks to Voice of America about the EU's migrant deal with Libya.
CER podcast: 5 questions on Trade, Trump and TTIP
16 January 2017
Rem Korteweg explains what trade policy under Trump will look like, if and how European governments can save TTIP, and what to make of a US-UK trade deal.
Užsienio diplomato kirtis: nelaikykite rusų milžinais, o lietuvių nykštukais
13 January 2017
Situacija Europos Rytuose pamažu karštėja. Auga Lietuvos išlaidos gynybai, žiniasklaidoje plinta netikros naujienos ir propaganda, o šalies lyderiai tautiečius gąsdina pasisakymais apie kaip niekada didelį Lietuvos pažeidžiamumą. O kaip visa tai atrodo stebėtojui iš šalies – ar tikrai esame pajėgūs apsiginti ir kada sulauksime didžiosios Rytų kaimynės griūties?
Į kasmet Užsienio...
Į kasmet Užsienio...
Londyński analityk: Wybór Donalda Trumpa może wpłynąć korzystnie na stosunki Wielkiej Brytanii z UE
12 November 2016
Zwycięstwo Donalda Trumpa i Brexit wywołały w światowej polityce trzęsienia ziemi. Wybór na stanowisko prezydenta kandydata republikanów może wpłynąć korzystnie na stosunki Wielkiej Brytanii z Unią Europejską - mówi w rozmowie z korespondentem RMF FM Bogdanem Frymorgenem Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska z Centre for European Reform.
RTVE: Europa abierta - Un año de los atentados de París. ¿Se ha reforzado realmente la seguridad europea?
11 November 2016
The CER's Camino Mortera-Martinez speaks to one year on from the terrorist attacks in Paris.
W.Brytania: Ekspert: wybór Trumpa to test dla Unii Europejskiej
10 November 2016
Wygrana Donalda Trumpa umocni siły populistyczne, które chcą większej roli państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej albo po prostu jej rozpadu - oceniła w rozmowie z PAP analityk Centre for European Reform Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska. "To test dla UE" - dodała.
Gostyńska-Jakubowska zaznaczyła, że zwycięstwo kandydata Partii Republikańskiej Trumpa w
Gostyńska-Jakubowska zaznaczyła, że zwycięstwo kandydata Partii Republikańskiej Trumpa w
NDR: Streitkräfte und Strategien
05 November 2016
The CER's Sophia Besch speaks to German radio on EU defence co-operation, "European Strategic autonomy without the UK will be difficult" (18:42 – 19:15).
Putin's Cold War hots up
29 October 2016
The Sun
NATO believes that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has amassed 330,000 troops along the border to the EU and its allies.
After the EU global strategy - Consulting the experts
28 October 2016
EU Institute for Security Studies
In addition to publishing a Security and Defence Implementation Plan (SDIP) in December, all EU member states should sign a pledge to protect the security of their citizens.
The EU's security of supply agenda
20 October 2016
Armament Industry European Research Group
The EU Commission is currently preparing its ‘Defence Action Plan’. In it, Brussels should clarify its ambitions for an EU-wide security of supply agenda for defence.
Judy Asks: Should the West impose more sanctions on Russia?
19 October 2016
Carnegie Europe
The statement on Syria by the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council on October 17 was full of strong rhetoric and empty of substance.