Foreign policy & defence
Zusammen raufen
10 September 2019
DGAP - IP-Die Zeitschrift
Ursula von der Leyen will „energisch auf eine Verteidigungsunion hinarbeiten“. Ohne eine europäische Waffenexportpolitik wird das schwierig
Eine EU-Mission ist illusorisch
06 August 2019
Deutschland kritisiert gern vom Spielfeldrand, statt eigene Vorschläge zu machen.
Gulf tension making it harder for EU to save Iran deal
02 August 2019
EU Observer
Tensions between Europe and Iran are rising after Iran's seizure of a British-flagged tanker transiting through the Persian Gulf in mid-July.
Trump, Kushner and Netanyahu are hellbent on destroying the two-state solution – the EU must not let them
02 August 2019
The Independent
In typical Trump style, Kushner is pushing a $50bn Middle East ‘deal of the century’ to solve the Israel-Palestinian question. It won’t work and so the European Union should step in.
Transatlantic divergence in the Middle East
11 July 2019
From Libya to Iran, Donald Trump has re-orientated US policy in the Middle East, opening a rift with Europe.
Missing in Libya
27 June 2019
Berlin Policy Journal
The civil war in Libya is getting worse, carrying the risk of spreading instability and extremism. Another refugee crisis could be looming. Yet so far the EU has been divided and passive.
Judy Asks: Is the Iran nuclear deal salvageable?
20 June 2019
Carnegie Europe
Probably not. Iran has warned it will violate the deal by the end of June unless the EU, Russia, and China deliver on their pledge to provide relief from US sanctions.
UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia have been found unlawful – this could end the war in Yemen
20 June 2019
The Independent
The UK knew the Saudi-led coalition was bombing Yemeni civilians and yet it carried on selling arms. Why has it taken legal action to force the British government to abide by national, EU and international law?
The importance of being protectionist: A long view of the European Defense Fund
13 June 2019
War on the rocks
In 2017, EU officials rejoiced. They claimed to have accomplished more in 10 months than in 10 years in the field of defense, having launched three new initiatives to strengthen defense industrial co-operation, first and foremost the European Defense Fund.
Judy Asks: Is Germany's political crisis dangerous for Europe?
06 June 2019
Carnegie Europe
Europe needs Germany to help the continent respond to external challenges such as the changes in the relationships with China and the United States, and to lead internal EU reform.
The special relationship may be awkward under Trump – but it is vital to Brexit Britain
31 May 2019
President Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK from 3 to 5 June may show the relationship between the UK and US is more awkward than special these days.
How the Kremlin sees the rest of the world
29 May 2019
The New Statesman
Russian analysts reckon the US will be less focused on intervening around the world and will be more nationalist, mercantilist and interest-focused.
09 May 2019
Berlin Policy Journal
It is too easy for individual member states to block EU sanctions or diplomatic statements. Extending majority voting to foreign policy would encourage greater unity.
CER podcast: Europe and Saudi Arabia after Khashoggi
24 April 2019
Sophia Besch asks Beth Oppenheim whether the European-Saudi relationship has changed after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi last October.
Stammtisch: Going the distance - Transatlantic relations today
05 April 2019
Germany has headed to New York to take its seat on the UN Security Council - while Barack Obama has come to Germany. Damien McGuinness and DW's Fabian von der Mark chat US-German relations with former US government advisor Julie Smith and NATO expert Sophia Besch from the Centre for European Reform.
Internal strife: NATO's greatest enemy is itself as it turns 70
05 April 2019
NATO’s first Secretary General, Lord Hastings Ismay, famously said the alliance’s purpose was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down.”
NATO at 70: Where next?
03 April 2019
As member nations gather to celebrate NATO's 70th anniversary this week, Politico asked experts to forecast what the military alliance will look like 10 years from now.
The Zeitgeist: German and European security at a crossroads
21 March 2019
In this episode of The Zeitgeist, Dr Jana Puglierin (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. ) and Sophia Besch (Centre for European Reform ) join Jeff Rathke to talk about the direction Germany’s security policy is taking. They cover four fundamental questions: What is Germany’s role in European security? Are the changes in German policy adequate for the changing international security environment? How are Germany and France seeking to strengthen their co-operation? And how can the United States and Germany manage their frictions in the interest of a stronger transatlantic relationship?
All hands on deck
27 February 2019
Berlin Policy Journal
Concerns about fragmentation shape Berlin’s understanding of the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy. That carries risks, especially with Brexit approaching.