Foreign policy & defence

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CER podcast: Belarus may be less stable than it appears

Charles Grant, Khrystyna Parandii
17 July 2020
Lukashenka is certain to win Belarus’s presidential election. But his suppression of dissent poses a dilemma for the EU: punishing Lukashenka could help Russia to extend its sway over the country.

London calling Huawei out

16 July 2020
Aspenia Online
After much deliberation, in mid-July the British government decided to implement restrictions on the role of controversial Chinese company Huawei in the UK’s next-generation 5G telecommunications network.

Europe must take on its own defense responsibilities

03 July 2020
Defence News
As they look at the state of their coronavirus-hit economies and U.S. President Donald Trump’s poor standing in opinion polls, many European leaders may be tempted to put on hold any plans to meet NATO’s target of spending 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense.

The EU must be prepared to be critical of China. It can start with Hong Kong’s security law

24 June 2020
China’s plan to impose a new security law on Hong Kong shows that Beijing is tightening its grip on the former British colony.

Don’t let UK-EU foreign policy co-operation be collateral damage of Brexit

Luigi Scazzieri, Leonard Schuette
17 June 2020
The Times
Six months has passed since Brexit, but there has been no significant progress in the negotiations to define the future UK-EU relationship.

Europe must stand up to China before it’s too late

16 June 2020
Foreign Policy
Europe’s prosperity depends on an orderly system that ensures the global flow of goods, services, capital, and – however much populists object – labor. But 2020 is turning out to be a very bad year for the rules-based international order.

CER podcast: Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic is deepening the transatlantic rift

03 June 2020
Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic is creating new friction in the transatlantic relationship and exacerbating existing differences on China, trade and defence spending. Tensions will get worse if Trump is re-elected in November.

CER podcast: Putin hits a bad patch

06 May 2020
As 2020 started, Vladimir Putin’s economic, political and diplomatic position looked strong. Now he faces recession, an exploding COVID-19 pandemic and declining domestic support. What does that mean for the West?
US, EU, China dice

CER podcast: The EU, the US and China: Irresponsible stakeholders in the global order?

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond
08 April 2020
The EU, the US  and China are the most important economic blocs in the world. But trade, political and security relations between them are becoming dangerously tense. Can the EU calm things down?

CER podcast: The EU must fight COVID-19 on the home front and abroad

Ian Bond, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Luigi Scazzieri
25 March 2020
EU solidarity went missing when the COVID-19 pandemic started, feeding eurosceptic narratives. The Union is now getting its act together internally.

EU's institutional framework regarding defence matters

Sophia Besch
20 March 2020
European Parliament
The new initiatives and developments in the EU’s institutional defence architecture in recent years have the potential to make the Union a more capable defence actor.

Judy Asks: Is Europe betraying refugees?

12 March 2020
Carnegie Europe
Europe has been betraying refugees since Syria’s civil war began, but the situation is worsening.

Now in EU interest to work with Turkey on migration

05 March 2020
EU Observer
The European Union is facing the prospect of renewed migration crisis after Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared he would "open the gates" and allow the over four million refugees living in Turkey to freely travel to Europe.

¿Es el momento de que la UE reexamine sus relaciones con Bielorrusia?

Khrystyna Parandii
05 March 2020
La política de la UE respecto a Bielorrusia no ha tenido ambición.

The EU should step up engagement with Belarus

Khrystyna Parandii
02 March 2020
Emerging Europe
The EU’s engagement with Belarus has been limited due to the country’s political oppression, human rights abuses, and close ties to Russia.

CER podcast: Europe and Libya

Luigi Scazzieri, Beth Oppenheim
12 February 2020
The conflict in Libya is spiralling out of control despite the recent Berlin conference. Beth Oppenheim and Luigi Scazzieri discuss why Europe has struggled to influence Libya, and how the conflict may evolve.

The EU's response to Trump's peace plan has been pitiful – it is time for the bloc to speak up

Beth Oppenheim
10 February 2020
The Independent
The 27 have a crucial role to play in containing the American president's destructive impulses – a role it is entirely reneging.

La UE y EE UU deben trabajar unidos para acabar con el sitio de Trípoli

07 February 2020
El conflicto libio continúa intensificándose a pesar de la reciente conferencia de Berlín. La Unión Europea debe trabajar con Estados Unidos y presionar a las potencias regionales para que dejen de alimentar la lucha. 

Musimy bronić rządów prawa w całej Unii

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 January 2020
Komisja Europejska powinna jak najszybciej wdrożyć mechanizm monitorowania zasady rządów prawa we wszystkich krajach członkowskich, a nie skupiać się tylko na tych, w których sprawy poszły za daleko.

CER podcast: Brexit bulletin special

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe, Ian Bond, Beth Oppenheim
29 January 2020
In this special Brexit episode of the CER podcast, Charles Grant explains why the CER is still needed after Brexit; Sam Lowe discusses the future of UK-EU trade; and Ian Bond explores the fate of UK foreign policy.