Foreign policy & defence

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Biden y Europa: ¿la gran esperanza blanca?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
21 January 2021
El Periodico
El nuevo presidente de EEUU devolverá la calma a las relaciones con Europa, aunque esa no va a ser su prioridad.

Euronews: Brexit foreign policy

30 December 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER spoke to Euronews about UK-EU alignment and potential divergence on foreign policy after Brexit.

CER end of year podcast: Reflecting on 2020

Charles Grant, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Christian Odendahl
18 December 2020
As 2020 draws to a close, Charles Grant, Christian Odendahl and Camino Mortera-Martinez look back at the year.

Strategic autonomy and the next four years of EU-US relations

Sophia Besch, Luigi Scazzieri
15 December 2020
European leaders greeted Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential election with relief.

CER podcast: Can the EU bring its neighbouring countries further into its orbit?

Katherine Pye, Katarína Mathernová
10 December 2020
Katherine Pye spoke to Katarína Mathernová about the EU's relations with Eastern Partnership countries.

CISAC Stanford: Russia's challenge to the West: A British perspective

01 December 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Stephen Pifer, about Russia and the UK.

Deutschland muss in Peking eigene Interessen durchsetzen, ohne Schoßhund der USA zu werden

Sophia Besch, Leonard Schuette
27 November 2020
Der Tagesspiegel
Die Corona Pandemie hat den Großmachtkonflikt zwischen China und den USA weiter verschärft.

Deutscher Bundestag: Experten befürworten Mehrheitsentscheide in der GASP

Sophia Besch
23 November 2020
Sophia Besch a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform gave evidence to the Bundestag Committee for European Union Affairs, on qualified majority voting in EU foreign policy.

President Biden: Good for Europe, but not a miracle-worker

19 November 2020
As long as Donald Trump doesn’t stage a coup d’état, Joe Biden will be sworn in as US President on January 20th 2021, and most of Europe will breathe a huge sigh of relief.

CER podcast: How should the EU approach China?

Sophia Besch, Sir John Sawers
18 November 2020
Sophia Besch spoke to Sir John Sawers about the relationship between Europe, the US and China.

BBC Radio Wiltshire: Wendy Morton visits Moscow

16 November 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC Radio Wiltshire about Wendy Morton's visit Moscow. It's important to talk to adversaries as well as friends, the key thing is to be firm, make clear it won't be business as usual as long as...

Five big questions as America votes: Europe

Sophia Besch
30 October 2020
Atlantic Council
In which areas should the United States and Germany work to reconcile their differences to address global challenges and where should they “agree to disagree”? “In the field of security and defense, Germany and the United States have an interest in reconciling their differences over a number of issues.

CER podcast: Biden vs Trump: America's choice matters to Europe

Ian Bond, Rachel Ellehuus, Kori Schake, Sir Nigel Sheinwald
28 October 2020
Ian Bond spoke to Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Kori Schake and Rahel Ellehusus about what a second Trump term or a Biden administration would mean for Europe.

CER podcast: Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Leonard Schuette, Yu Jie
14 October 2020
This week's podcast accompanies the launch of the CER policy brief 'Europe, the US and China: A love-hate triangle?', which examines the complex triangular relations between Europe, Beijing and Washington,

The EU and the Eastern Mediterranean flashpoint

05 October 2020
Aspenia Online
Tensions are running high in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey disputes Greek and Cypriot maritime boundaries, and argues that Cyprus has no right to exploit its natural gas resources until it reaches a deal to share them with Turkish Cypriots in the divided island’s north.

The EU's Turkey challenge

01 October 2020
LSE blog
EU leaders will discuss relations with Turkey at a special European Council meeting that begins today.

Brexit and external differentiation in foreign, security and defence policy

29 September 2020
This paper examines the EU’s foreign, security and defence policy relations with third countries, and their relevance to the EU’s future co-operation with the UK in these areas.

CER submission to the British government's integratered view of security, defence, development and foreign policy

Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
21 September 2020
The CER's submission to the British government's security, defence, development and foreign policy review argues that to tackle diverse threats successfully, the UK must build strong partnerships with other democracies.

CER podcast: Tensions rising between Turkey and EU in Eastern Mediterranean

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
03 September 2020
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s regional ambitions and push for control of gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean have put Turkey on a collision course with the EU.

IIEA: What next for Belarus?

31 August 2020
In his webinar presentation to the IIEA, Charles Grant, director of the CER reflects on the widespread demonstrations and strike actions across Belarus which have greeted Alexander Lukashenko’s contested re-election as President, an office he has held since 1994.