
¿Impedirá el Parlamento que Reino Unido salga de la UE?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
04 November 2016
El Espanol
Camino Mortera-Martínez, la representante del think tank Centre for European Reform, afirma a El ESPAÑOL que es imposible que Bruselas vaya a aceptar un “medio brexit”, sobre todo en un año de elecciones para Alemania y Francia. “Bruselas no va a soportar las carambolas de los británicos”, sostiene.

The Wonk: Britain will struggle to make EU migrants 'go home'

Camino Mortera-Martinez
03 November 2016
The interviewed CER research fellow, Camino Mortera-Martinez on 'Britain will struggle to make EU migrants 'go home'.

Brexit Briefing: Will the next US president help Britain?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg
02 November 2016
Financial Times
In a recent paper for the Centre for European Reform, Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska and Rem Korteweg said some Brexiters believe the US could twist arms in Brussels on behalf of their oldest European ally. "It is an article of faith among some Brexit supporters that America will ride to Britain’s rescue if relations with the EU get difficult," they say.

Brexit briefing: Queueing up behind Nissan

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Rem Korteweg
31 October 2016
Financial Times
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska and Rem Korteweg from the Centre for European Reform argue in the LSE’s Brexit blog that the US will not help the UK in its Brexit negotiations with the EU.

Welchen Brexit will Theresa May? Die Sphinx von Westminster

Christian Odendahl
31 October 2016
Der Tagesspiegel
Christian Odendahl, Chefökonom des Londoner Thinktanks Centre for European Reform („pro-europäisch, aber nicht unkritisch“), konstatiert: „Die mittelfristigen Aussichten für Großbritannien sind nicht gut.“ ...An einen Erfolg der Strategie der Brexit-Hardliner glaubt Odendahl nicht. „Der Austritt aus der EU ist nicht zu kompensieren durch verstärkte Handelsbeziehungen mit anderen Weltteilen.“

Putin's Cold War hots up

29 October 2016
The Sun
NATO believes that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has amassed 330,000 troops along the border to the EU and its allies.

Polskie Radio 24: Magazyn Europejski: Trudne rozmowy o Brexicie

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 October 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Polskie Radio 24 about Theresa May's negotiating strategy.
La caduta della sterlina non salverà l’economia britannica

La caduta della sterlina non salverà l’economia britannica

John Springford, Simon Tilford
28 October 2016
Il sole 24 Ore
Per capire se una sterlina più debole potrà dare una spinta alle esportazioni britanniche, dobbiamo andare a vedere l’impatto che hanno avuto i precedenti deprezzamenti sulla domanda estera di beni e servizi del Regno Unito, e anche sulla struttura dell’export britannico.
After the EU global strategy - Consulting the experts

After the EU global strategy - Consulting the experts

Sophia Besch
28 October 2016
EU Institute for Security Studies
In addition to publishing a Security and Defence Implementation Plan (SDIP) in December, all EU member states should sign a pledge to protect the security of their citizens.

"Из Вашингтона трудно заблокировать доступ России к SWIFT": интервью с британским экспертом Бондом

28 October 2016
Директор по внешней политике лондонского Центра европейских реформ (CER) Ян Бонд рассказал о расширении санкций против РФ, последствиях референдума в Британии и Нидерландах, перспективах суда по MH17 и проблемах внутри ЕС.

Don't expect Merkel to save Britain's Brexit bacon

27 October 2016
Conservative Home
Merkel is not ready to listen too much to German car manufacturers or other industries with a high rate of exports to the UK. Relations between big business in Germany and the chancellery are pretty dire. This sombre analysis is shared by Charles Grant, director of the CER, in his recent paper 'Why the 27 are taking a hard line on Brexit'.

Belgian Walloons yield on EU-Canada deal under pressure, but sorry saga is a warning for Britain

Simon Tilford
27 October 2016
The Telegraph
Simon Tilford from the Centre for European Reform said the lesson of Ceta is that any future deal between the EU and Britain could be held up by any country, for any reason.
"It is going to take a lot longer to negotiate a deal after Brexit than people seem to think, and ratification is not going to be plain-sailing," he said.
"The small states can always be strong-armed but the real problem is the internal politics of Italy, France and Spain. Trade has become a political minefield," he said.

Britain's mixed messages deepen Brexit rifts with EU

27 October 2016
The Daily Mail
A central problem for May's government is that Article 50 puts the country that is exiting the EU in a position of great weakness, says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a think tank in London. EU countries can simply hunker down while the two-year clock ticks away, raising pressure on the leaver. May, therefore, would be wise to avoid an approach that alienates the EU, Grant believes. Attempts from the British side to strengthen its negotiating position through veiled threats to slash corporate tax rates or veto European defence cooperation risk backfiring.

What would an "interim" Brexit deal look like?

Simon Tilford
26 October 2016
We will leave the EU without a long-term trade deal in place writes Simon Tilford.

CER podcast: Charles Grant and Jean Pisani-Ferry on UK-EU relations and the future of the Eurozone

Charles Grant, Sophia Besch, Jean Pisani-Ferry
26 October 2016
Charles Grant and Jean Pisani-Ferry discuss the chances of a ‘continental partnership’ between Britain and the EU post Brexit.

Tok FM: Dlaczego przywódcy Szkocji, Walii i Irlandii Płn. są "sfrustrowani Brexitem"?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
26 October 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about the role of devolved administrations in Brexit negoitations.

Brexit Briefing: Mrs May shows another card

25 October 2016
Financial Times
As John Springford of the Centre for European Reform puts it: “The EU27 will not allow the UK to pick favoured sectors to stay in: they will say it’s all or nothing.”

Visegrad: Orban and Kaczynski's 'cultural counter-revolution' will devour its children

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
25 October 2016
bne IntelliNews
“Whereas some member-states may share Poland and Hungary’s reluctance about the current balance of power in the EU, they think that the current Polish-Hungarian rhetoric is not particularly helpful in addressing EU's challenges,” points out Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a research fellow at the CER. “Member-states also fear that Kaczynski and Orban are interested in questioning the current system of Western liberalism rather than in the constructive debate about a better and more efficient EU.”

Czy zmieni się przewodniczący Rady Europejskiej

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
25 October 2016
Poparcie dla Tuska ze strony starych państw Unii może też opierać się o pozytywne przesłanki. - Większość starych krajów Unii po prostu uważa, że Tusk sprawdził się jako przewodniczący RE – mówi Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska z brytyjskiego think tanku Centre for European Reform. - Były obawy, że aktywny styl prowadzenia obrad RE, zupełnie inny niż za van Rompuy'a, nie przyjmie się. Tusk od początku nie ukrywał swojego zdania, nie był tylko moderatorem, często zabierał głos. Dziś wielu uczestników tych obrad taki styl uznaje za zaletę.

Brexit à la carte: It will be hard to win unfettered access to the single market for specific sectors

22 October 2016
The Economist
John Springford at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, says it would be technically possible for the British car industry to remain in the EU's customs union.