CER podcast: A briefing on Italy's election
14 February 2018
Sophia Besch asks Luigi Scazzieri about the political debate in Italy and which coalition might win the election on March 4th.
CER podcast: Brexit negotiations phase 2: The politics of regulatory alignment
31 January 2018
Charles Grant talks to Sophia Besch about how the EU-27 view the British idea of a bespoke post-Brexit partnership based on regulatory alignment.
CER Bulletin podcast: Trade post Brexit; EU vs Poland; Trump's foreign policy
24 January 2018
In the CER Bulletin podcast, CER researchers brief podcast listeners on three of the most important topics for Europe this month.
CER podcast: A briefing on Nordstream 2
17 January 2018
Noah Gordon talks to Sophia Besch about the controversial Nordstream 2 pipeline – who is in favour of the project and who stands to lose out, what the EU is doing and what it should do, and whether Nordstream 2 is about business, geopolitics, or EU solidarity.
CER podcast: CER researchers review the year 2017
20 December 2017
Charles Grant, Simon Tilford and Ian Bond review the political themes and events that shaped 2017, and take a look at some of the predictions they made last year.
CER podcast: Will there be reforms for the eurozone?
08 December 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska and Sophia Besch review the Commission's new proposals for eurozone reform, and look at what EU leaders should discuss at the euro summit next week in Brussels.
CER podcast series: How to save the EU
22 November 2017
In November, the CER took more than 50 of Europe's top economists and political commentators to a conference on 'How to save the EU'.
CER podcasts: Relaunching the EU
08 November 2017
The CER has launched a major new report ‘Relaunching the EU’. In this podcast mini-series, CER researchers explain some of the reports main recommendations.
CER podcast: Should we learn to live with a nuclear North Korea?
25 October 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Ian Bond about how likely it is that North Korea can be prevented from getting a strategic nuclear capability, the usefulness of sanctions against Pyongyang, and what to expect from President Trump’s forthcoming visit to Asia.
CER podcast: Peacekeepers for Ukraine?
11 October 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Luigi Scazzieri about Russian President Putin’s proposal to send a UN peacekeeping force to eastern Ukraine.
CER podcast: EU values and interests in the age of Trump
29 September 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Ian Bond about how the European Union can protect the international liberal order, as well as its security interests, when it can no longer rely on partnership with Trump’s America.
CER podcast: Briefing on the German election
21 September 2017
Christian Odendahl and Sophia Besch discuss who is likely to win on Sunday, what the German election will mean for Europe, and what it will mean for Brexit negotiations.
CER podcast: François Heisbourg on Franco-German defence co-operation and the EU defence fund
11 August 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to Francois Heisbourg about the future of European defence co-operation.
CER podcast: Brexit negotiations: Players and process on the EU side
17 July 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska about the role of the European Commission, the member-states, the European Parliament and the ECJ in the Brexit talks.
CER podcast: The Middle East peace process - state of play
06 July 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Luigi Scazzieri about the position of the Trump administration on the Middle East peace process, and about concrete policy recommendations for the EU.
CER podcast: Security co-operation after Brexit
30 June 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Camino Mortera-Martinez about how to keep Britain plugged into Europol and European criminal databases.
CER podcast: UK election primer
07 June 2017
On the day before the UK general election, Charles Grant and Simon Tilford discuss current polls, the effect of recent attacks on voting, which issues were not sufficiently discussed in the campaigns and what would be the best possible election result for Europe.
CER podcast: Why no deal is not better than a bad deal
05 June 2017
Simon Tilford and John Springford lay out in detail how leaving the EU without a deal would damage the British economy.
CER podcast: Strategic co-operation and competition in the Arctic
01 June 2017
Recording at the CER's Arctic Bridge Summit in Finland, Sophia Besch talks to Elisabeth Braw and Ethan Corbin about security challenges in the Arctic and how Russia and Europe could co-operate in the region.
CER podcast: Why the UK voted to leave, and lessons for the EU 27
23 May 2017
CER podcast on the reasons the UK voted to leave, how these political trends played out in the French elections, and lessons for the EU 27.