
BBC Radio 4 Westminster Hour: Will Theresa May need a plan B for Brexit?

31 July 2016
The Government is only just realising the complexities of negotiating Brexit, says Charles Grant. He said that the road ahead for negotiators will be perilous and the Prime Minister will need a Plan B.

BBC Newsnight: Michel Barnier appointed chief Brexit negotiator

27 July 2016
Charles Grant speaks to BBC Newsnight about the appointment of Michel Barnier as the European Commission's chief Brexit negotiator.

Channel 4 News: Sturgeon's Brexit warning

25 July 2016
Charles Grant talked to Channel 4 News about the the possible consequences of Brexit for border controls in Northern Ireland and Scotland's hopes of remaining in the EU.
(Sturgeon's Brexit warning - from 01.47) 

ITV News: France hopes to snap up finance trade from London after a Brexit

21 July 2016
Charles Grant, director of the CER spoke to ITV News. "The French government would love to see business move from the City of London to Paris for two reasons."

Colin and Matthew look into the current state of France after the recent terror attacks

Camino Mortera-Martinez
16 July 2016
Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to Share Radio in the wake of the terror attack in Nice, and on the potential effects in France.

Tok FM: Boris Johnson nowym min. spraw zagranicznych Wlk. Brytanii.

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 July 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Boris Johnson's appointment as the British foreign minister.

Nick Clegg MP and Douglas Carswell MP at our conference on Brexit

Nick Clegg MP and Douglas Carswell MP
12 July 2016

Douglas Carswell MP at our conference on Brexit

Douglas Carswell MP
12 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.

Nick Clegg MP at our conference on Brexit

Nick Clegg MP
12 July 2016

Konrad Szymański at our conference on Brexit

Konrad Szymański
12 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.

Thomas Fricke at our conference on Brexit

Thomas Fricke
12 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind at our conference on Brexit

Sir Malcolm Rifkind
11 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.

Charles Crawford at our conference on Brexit

Charles Crawford
11 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.

Tok FM: Kto zostanie liderem Partii Konserwatywnej?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 July 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the Conservative Party's the leadership contest.

IB Times: Yvette Cooper fails to rule out leadership bid as she urges Jeremy Corbyn to quit

28 June 2016
Labour's Yvette Cooper has failed to rule out another leadership bid, as the former minister urged Jeremy Corbyn to stand down from the top job amid an attempted coup.

TOK FM: Szkocja prosi UE aby jej nie zawiodla

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
28 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Scotland after the UK's EU referendum.

BBC World Service: Can The EU Survive?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
28 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to the BBC World Service about the future of the European Union after Britain's vote to leave (from 08.44).

Euronews: Brexit: rischi di contagio

28 June 2016
Ian Bond, del Centre for European Reform, commenta: “Molto dipende da che cosa accadrà al Regno Unito. L’importante è non dare l’impressione che sia tutto facile. Penso che l’approccio alla Boris Johnson, che vuole la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca, non l’avrà vinta. I leader europei gli diranno: avete una scelta, è una scelta fra due opzioni, e basta”.