Britain & EU member-states

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Dead or alive? A UK-US trade deal

Sam Lowe, Beth Oppenheim
20 July 2018
The Chequers proposal would likely come at the cost of a transatlantic trade deal, but Theresa May is right to prioritise ties with the EU.

Time to let the rule of law in Poland have its day in court

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
19 July 2018
Poland’s government has not reversed its controversial judicial reforms, despite EU political pressure. It is time to take the dispute out of the hands of politicians and allow the European Court of Justice to have a say about the rule of law in Poland.

Inching our way towards Jersey

Sam Lowe
11 July 2018
The EU will probably reject Theresa May’s Chequers compromise. Rather than confronting the EU on its fundamental principles, the UK should build upon the foundations of a customs union.

Moving on after Galileo – lessons (to be) learnt

Sophia Besch
28 June 2018
The EU and the UK have not been able to come to an agreement over Britain’s participation in the Galileo programme.

What's the cost of Brexit so far?

23 June 2018
New analysis by the CER – which we will update quarterly – estimates that the UK economy is 2.1 per cent smaller as a result of the vote to leave the EU.

Plugging in the British: Completing the circuit

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 June 2018
Post-Brexit internal and external security co-operation arrangements seem as hard for the EU and UK to agree on as trade. Other third countries’ relationships with the EU provide models.

Is Macron becoming isolated in Europe?

13 June 2018
Macron thinks the EU is not viable without radical reform. His priority is to reshape the eurozone, but Germany is blocking his bolder ideas. He risks isolation in Europe, which could weaken him at home.

Why Italy will confront the EU, but stay in the euro

04 June 2018
The new Italian government is likely to initially try to score some easy victories. The EU should give it some leeway, and avoid inflaming public opinion in Italy.

Plugging in the British: EU justice and home affairs

Camino Mortera-Martinez
25 May 2018
Police and judicial co-operation will not be easier to negotiate than trade. To get a good deal, the UK and the EU need to move beyond their hard-line opening positions.

UK must swallow the unpalatable Irish backstop

Sam Lowe
15 May 2018
Theresa May and the Brexiters should have the courage of their convictions and agree to a backstop that grants a special status to Northern Ireland. 

Theresa May's meaningless meaningful vote?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 May 2018
Though many British parliamentarians believe Brexit will harm the UK, it is unlikely that they will derail it. However, Westminster could help to mitigate its negative consequences. 

A hitchhiker's guide to Galileo and Brexit

Sophia Besch
03 May 2018
The debate between the UK and the EU over British participation in the EU’s space programme ‘Galileo’ shows how difficult it will be to disentangle economic and security interests during Brexit negotiations. 

Plugging in the British: EU defence policy

Sophia Besch
26 April 2018
Both Britain and the EU would benefit from working together to keep Europe safe, even after Brexit. But economic protectionism and a desire for autonomy may get in the way.

The EU budget after Brexit: Reform not revolution

Noah Gordon
24 April 2018
With the UK leaving, the EU needs a revised budget. It should cut rebates, agriculture spending, and structural funds; and spend more on border security, education, and research.

What the Italian election means for the EU

18 April 2018
The Italian election complicates the EU’s reform agenda. If the EU engages with the Five Star Movement, Rome could yet play a constructive role.

Is Labour selling the UK a Turkey?

Sam Lowe
12 April 2018
A future UK-EU customs union should not be ruled out. While it would place some constraints on a future UK independent trade policy, the positives far outweigh the negatives. 

Brexit and the financial services industry: The story so far

Mark Boleat
27 March 2018
The City will survive Brexit, but it will not emerge unscathed. In order to remain competitive Britain’s financial services industry will need to adapt, as it has always done.

The member-states and the EU: Taking back control?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
22 March 2018
The irony of Brexit is that the EU is becoming more British just as the UK is leaving the EU.