France: Why the self-flagellation?
10 February 2012
France has its economic weaknesses. But in some important respects its model holds out better prospects for a return to economic growth across the eurozone than does Germany's.
Annual report 2011
09 February 2012
Our annual report looks at key changes in the EU: Germany's rise, France's decline, Britain's marginalisation and the Commission's loss of influence.
Greece's real challenge
03 February 2012
Greece's new bail-out package needs less austerity and more structural reforms. A bloated and immobile public sector remains a drag on growth.
Why France is leaving Afghanistan
02 February 2012
France has sent a clear message by withdrawing its troops early from Afghanistan: NATO is failing to meet its objectives. The problem lies in Kabul not Paris.
The Baltic states and Ireland are not a model for Italy and Spain
27 January 2012
Were Italy and Spain to emulate the Baltics states and Ireland, the implications for the European economy and the future of the euro would be devastating.
Issue 82 - 2012
27 January 2012
- Needed: A growth strategy for Europe, Simon Tilford
- Why an EU financial transactions tax is a red herring, Philip Whyte
- The US declares peace in Europe, prematurely, Tomas Valasek
The US declares peace in Europe, prematurely
26 January 2012
The Pentagon's 'strategic guidance', released on January 5th, makes three key changes: it establishes Asia as the focus of US military efforts, with the Middle East a close second. It foresees fewer 'nation-building'
missions such as the one in Afghanistan, and more strikes from afar and from the air, sometimes...
missions such as the one in Afghanistan, and more strikes from afar and from the air, sometimes...
Needed: A growth strategy for Europe
26 January 2012
The struggle to address the eurozone crisis means that Europe's unprecedented economic malaise is receiving far too little attention. To the extent that the EU has a growth strategy it relies heavily on the adoption of structural reforms in the crisis-hit eurozone economies. But such reforms alone will not drive...
Why an EU financial transactions tax is a red herring
26 January 2012
Ever since it was first mooted in the 1970s, a financial transactions tax (FTT) has often been thought of as an interesting idea that cannot work in practice (because it needs to be adopted universally if it is not to be undermined by tax arbitrage). In other words, the difficulty...
Three views on modernisation and the rule of law in Russia
23 January 2012
Russia's economy is held back by corruption and a weak legal system. Three experts explain why reform is difficult, but also give cause for hope.
Saving Schengen: How to protect passport-free travel in Europe
20 January 2012
Schengen countries must decide when Bulgaria and Romania should join, whether Greece should leave and how to work more closely with Turkey on border control.
Is Austria the new Finland?
13 January 2012
Germany and France tend to pre-cook euro rescue plans. Smaller EU countries resent being sidelined. Slovakia and Finland have threatened vetoes and demanded concessions. Which country is next?
What Europe's new diplomatic service can do for Britain
10 January 2012
Following a recent agreement on EU foreign policy the UK should not miss an opportunity to use Europe's new diplomatic service to reinforce British interests.