BBC News: The next phase of Brexit
17 October 2019
“The EU will want to make sure the level playing field is a stringent one and probably more stringent than with any third country that the EU has been negotiating with” Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform told BBC News.
BBC Radio 5 Live: Brexit deal?
17 October 2019
“There’s this idea that we’re coming towards the end of Brexit...even if this deal goes through we’re just moving to phase three...Brexit is a process not an event” (from 10.51) Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform told BBC 5 Live.
Tok FM: Gostyńska: Brexitowej sagi ciąg dalszy nastąpi
17 October 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform talks to TOK FM about the ongoing Brexit talks.
BBC RADIO 4- TODAY PROGRAMME: What does the Brexit deal mean in practise
17 October 2019
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the Today programme this morning about what the current Brexit deal means in practise (from 06.15).
BBC News: Brexit deal deadline
15 October 2019
"It looks like both sides are willing to strike a Brexit agreement and that in itself is good news – but talk of the town in Brussels is that it's likely there will need to be yet another Council summit on Brexit", Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow a the Centre for European Reform tells BBC News.
Newsnight: Ongoing Brexit negotiations
11 October 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC Newsnight about the thawing in Brexit negotiations over the past few days.
BBC News: World update - Brexit deal, highly unlikely
09 October 2019
Charles Grant, director of the CER spoke to BBC World update this morning about the current Brexit negotiations (from 35.00 mins).
Parliament Live: Home Office preparations for Brexit
08 October 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, along with Dr Anna Jerzewska, Customs and Trade Consultant gave their thoughts on the Home Office preparations for Brexit.
PARLIAMENT LIVE: Scrutiny of Brexit negotiations
08 October 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform along with Victoria Hewson, Head of Regulatory Affairs and Research Associate, Institute of Economic Affairs discussed the Government’s proposal for an amended Ireland/Northern Ireland protocol.
Radio 4 - Today Programme: Custom checks on the island of Ireland
02 October 2019
Charles Grant spoke to the Today Programme this morning about Boris Johnson's Brexit offer.
TOK FM: Dwóch kandydatów wykluczonych, kiepskie wystąpienie Wojciechowskiego - niefortunna Komisja Europejska
02 October 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TOK FM about the commissioners’ hearings.
Spectator podcast: Coffee House Shots: Live at Conservative Party Conference
01 October 2019
“It’s wrong to think Brussels is desperate to keep the British in the EU … most [EU] countries just want to get shot of the problem” Charles Grant, director of the CER tells The Spectator, live from Conservative Party Conference.
Bloomberg: CER's Springford: Court judgementmakes deal harder for Johnson
25 September 2019
Boris Johnson’s authority has been badly damaged by the Supreme Court verdict, according to John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, and that makes EU leaders less likely to make concessions in the negotiations. He tells Daybreak Europe’s Nejra Cehic and Roger Hearing an extension beyond October 31 to get a deal from Brussels is now a bit more likely.
Channel 4 podcast: Politics: Where Next? - How likely is a Brexit deal?
20 September 2019
Deal or No Deal? Boris Johnson's search for a Brexit deal has intensified.
Channel 4 News: Battle of Conservative prime ministers in Parliament suspension case
19 September 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Gary Gibbon about the ongoing Brexit discussions between Brussels and the UK 'the British need to make a serious offer'.
Tok FM: Sąd Najwyższy Wielkiej Brytanii sprawdza, czy Boris Johnson złamał prawo
17 September 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Tok FM about the Supreme Court’s case concerning prorogation.
LBC: Boris Johnson stalling
16 September 2019
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Eamonn Holmes about Boris Johnson's meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker today.
BBC Radio 4 - PM: Deal or no deal with the EU
12 September 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to PM about the chances of a Brexit deal (from 07.00 mins).
ELIAMEP 15th European Seminar: Interview, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
12 September 2019
Interview with Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform (CER) in the margins of the 15th European Seminar of ELIAMEP (12-14 Semptember 2019).
WDR: Schwarze Null schadet international
10 September 2019
Nicht nur der Investitionsbedarf in Deutschland spricht für einen Abschied von der „schwarzen Null“ meint Christian Odendahl vom Centre for European Reform: Auch die Weltwirtschaft und Deutschlands Ansehen könnten profitieren.