Economic growth

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The stockholm scorecard

The stockholm scorecard

Edward Bannerman
02 April 2001
The Stockholm European Council was supposed to focus on Europe's "new" economy and the goal of creating "the world's most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy by 2010".
Bulletin issue 17

Issue 17 - 2001

Edward Bannerman, Richard Corbett, James Wilson
30 March 2001
Lisbon strategy

Making Lisbon work in Stockholm

Alasdair Murray
01 February 2001
Even by the standards of the EU's often optimistic policy aspirations, the decade-long economic reform process initiated at the Lisbon summit last March represents an ambitious programme.

The distinctive feature of the Lisbon conclusions is not the pledge of EU leaders to create "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge...
Bulletin issue 16

Issue 16 - 2001

Edward Bannerman, Carl Bildt, Alasdair Murray
26 January 2001
The "open method of co-ordination"

The "open method of co-ordination": Innovation or talking shop?

Kirsty Hughes
01 December 2000
At the '' Summit AT Lisbon in March 2000, the EU set itself the strategic goal of creating full employment in a competitive and inclusive knowledge-based economy.
Reforming the euro club

Reforming the euro club

Alasdair Murray
01 August 2000
And so farewell the euro-11. In future, the adhoc group of eurozone finance ministers will be known as the Euro Group, its powers beefed up along the lines dictated by the French government.
Bulletin issue 13

Issue 13 - 2000

Steven Everts, Alasdair Murray, Julie Wolf
28 July 2000
A new economic model

A new economic model

Alasdair Murray
03 April 2000
Slowly, and somewhat reluctantly, the EU is beginning to embrace economic reform. For years America's equity-orientated, shareholder-value-driven economic model appeared anathema to much of the continent.
Bulletin issue 11

Issue 11 - 2000

Charles Grant, Alasdair Murray, Ben Hall
31 March 2000
Europe's new economy

Europe's new economy

Charles Leadbeater, Kitty Ussher
01 December 1999
Europe needs a new economic story. Its ability to compete in the knowledge-driven economy depends on how well it can translate science, technology and know-how into jobs, growth and economic success.
Bulletin issue 15

Issue 15 - 2000

Charles Grant, Heather Grabbe, Kirsty Hughes
26 November 1999
The case for "Mr Euroland"

The case for "Mr Euroland"

Steven Everts
01 October 1999
Most discussions about the euro focus on what it means for the politics and the economy of the EU. The actual and potential external impact of EMU is often ignored.
Needed: An EU energy tax

Needed: An EU energy tax

Nina Marenzi
02 August 1999
There is no EU-wide energy tax, despite the fact that green parties now have a strong presence in the European political landscape and that such a tax could make the single market more effective.
A mandate for convergence

A mandate for convergence

Kitty Ussher
01 June 1999
The government is missing a trick by failing to encourage the Bank of England to play an active part in ensuring Britain's economic convergence with the euro-zone.
The prime minister has repeatedly said joining EMU requires the UK's "sustainable convergence with the economies of the single currency". This doesn't mean exchange-rate...
Name the day

Name the day: The business case for joining the euro

Colin Sharman
02 April 1999
Tony Blair's presentation to the House of Commons of a national changeover plan for the adoption of the euro, last February, will come to be seen as a defining moment in Britain's path towards economic and monetary union (EMU).
The danger of centralisation

The danger of centralisation

Ben Hall
01 April 1999
During Oskar Lafontaine's brief reign as German finance minister, Europe seemed to veer towards much greater centralisation of economic policy-making. He argued that governments needed to forge a more centralised system of economic policy-making.
Europe's wake up call

Europe's wake up call

Steven Everts
01 April 1999
"We've made it!" That was the predominant feeling among leading continental politicians and officials in the weeks after January 1st. The many merchants of doom had been proven wrong.
Bulletin issue 5

Issue 5 - 1999

Charles Grant, Ben Hall, Steven Everts
26 March 1999
The myth of tax harmonisation

The myth of tax harmonisation

Kitty Ussher
01 February 1999
There are no plans to harmonise European Union rates of VAT, income tax or company tax. Yet the inhabitants of Britain could be forgiven for thinking precisely the opposite.
Vision please

Vision please

Ben Hall
01 February 1999
This year will be crucial both for the development of the European Union and for Britain's position within it. Outside EMU, Britain cannot be one of the leading players. It will have to run to keep up. That means that the government must actively engage in a public debate about Europe's future.