Brytyjski Sąd Najwyższy zdecydował w sprawie Brexitu i utrzymał wyrok przeciwko rządowi
24 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Jakub Janiszewski about the Supreme Court's ruling on triggering Article 50.
NPR: British Prime Minister Theresa May outlines plan to leave European Union
17 January 2017
Rem Korteweg speaks to NPR about Theresa May's Brexit speech on the 17 January 2017.
Polskie Radio 24: W marcu nastąpi rozpoczęcie procedury Brexitu
08 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Polskie Radio about Theresa May's interview for Sky News where she said Britain would activate article 50 by the end of March 2017.
Tok FM: Jak rezygnacja ze stanowiska brytyjskiego ambasadora przy UE może wpłynąć na procedurę Brexitu?
04 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM about the resignation of Ivan Rogers and the potential effects on Brexit negotiations.
BNR: Brexit: snelle scheiding niet per se minder pijnlijk
31 December 2016
Rem Korteweg speaks to BNR about the Brexit work ahead for Theresa May and the future of the EU-UK trade relationship.
VPRO: Wat de Brexit voor onze Britse buren gaat veranderen
23 December 2016
Rem Korteweg talks to VPRO 6 months after the Brexit vote about the obstacles ahead.
The Telegraph: Sophia Besch on Merkel and the Berlin terror attack
21 December 2016
German political expert Sophia Besch says Angela Merkel's facing tough questions over her asylum policy following the Berlin attack (15:54 pm).
BBC Radio 4: World at One talks to Charles Grant
20 December 2016
Charles Grant talks to the World at One about Nicola Sturgeon's announcement on Scotland staying in the single market (22:42).
Share Radio: Ian Bond on the Berlin attacks
20 December 2016
Ian Bond is director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, and joined Share Radio's Juliette Foster on the line for more on these stories.
The Briefing, Monocle: Ian Bond on the shooting in Turkey
20 December 2016
Ian Bond on the shooting in Russia, and how this will affect Russia Turkey relations.
Russia Today: Charles Grant warns that Nicola Sturgeon's single market plans are 'unrealistic'
20 December 2016
Charles Grant says independence is the more realistic way for Scotland to stay in the single market.
EurActiv event: #Brexit50 ranking unveiled in Westminster
06 December 2016
The EurActiv event revealed the 50 most influential people shaping Brexit – the EurActiv #Brexit50 list. CER director Charles Grant was ranked number 45 on the #Brexit 50 list.
5 News: Interview with Luigi Scazzieri on the Italian referendum (1:12)
06 December 2016
The Prime Minister's plans to reform the country's constitution was heavily defeated in a referendum. It could cause yet more turmoil for the EU - but the result has left many Italians overjoyed.
TOK FM: W Sądzie Najwyższym rozpoczęła się rozprawa ws. Brexitu
06 December 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TOK FM about the ongoing Brexit case in the Supreme Court.
BBC Newsnight: Charles Grant on Boris Johnson's free movement comments
02 December 2016
Charles Grant talks frankly to BBC Newsnight about Boris Johnson's recent free movement comments to EU foreign ministers. (From 23 mins)
CNBC: Polls suggest 'no' vote will prevail in Italian referendum
01 December 2016
The political fallout of a 'no' vote in Italy's reform referendum would be less than it has been made out to be, says Luigi Scazzieri at the Centre for European Reform.
Tok FM: Kto będzie chciał mieć ostatnie słowo w sprawie Brexitu?
24 November 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Brexit.
Polskie Radio 24: Brexit: Szkocja i Walia mają głos
19 November 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Polskie Radio 24 about the Supreme Court's decision to allow Scottish and Welsh governments to join the court's case.
Tok FM: Chaos wokół Brexitu?
16 November 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about the chaos surrounding Brexit.
RTVE: Europa abierta - Un año de los atentados de París. ¿Se ha reforzado realmente la seguridad europea?
11 November 2016
The CER's Camino Mortera-Martinez speaks to one year on from the terrorist attacks in Paris.