Confounded by Spain
26 October 2015
Financial Times
There is much that is wrong about this rhetoric, and it fortunately provokes intelligent criticism, most recently in the form of a policy brief by Simon Tilford from the Centre for European Reform. Tilford pokes some well-judged holes in Madrid’s narrative.
Media i eksperci: zwycięstwo PiS może pomóc Cameronowi
26 October 2015
Onet Poland
Zgadza się z nim Agata Gostyńska z Centre for European Reform, Cameron nie powinien się spodziewać zbyt dużych ustępstw wobec postulatów ograniczenia dostępu do świadczeń.
Billiges Öl - tatsächlich schön?
25 October 2015
Der Tagesspiegel
...Ein Experte warnt: Vorsicht!Es gibt aber immer auch die andere Seite. Weshalb der Ökonom Rem Korteweg, der für das Centre for European Reform schreibt, einen britischen Thinktank, seine Analyse mit der Überschrift versehen hat: Vorsicht vor billigem Öl! Die andere Seite, das sind jene Staaten, aus denen das Öl kommt.
Spain: Recovery position
23 October 2015
Financial Times
"Spain's return to growth is good news, but there is little evidence that it is the result of austerity and reforms," says Simon Tilford, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform.
Spain's unemployment falls, and Rajoy's prospects rise
22 October 2015
The New York Times
In a recent report, Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London, argued that Spain's "employment miracle" was not "quite what it is cracked up to be," particularly in terms of lifting nominal wages.
Judy Asks: Can Merkel survive the refugee crisis?
21 October 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
Speech on: The banking union, one year on
21 October 2015
Speech by Danièle Nouy, chair of the ECB Supervisory Board
Why there's no easy way out of Spain's insurmountable economic mess
20 October 2015
The Telegraph
In a new report Simon Tilford at the CER also pours cold water over the dominant narrative of the Spanish recovery. "There is no evidence that [growth numbers] are the result of austerity, and not much evidence that they are the product of structural reforms."
Italy could back Britain over two-speed Europe
19 October 2015
The Telegraph
“A British-Italian initiative to clarify the distinction between eurozone countries and the others could be significant,” said Charles Grant of the CER, “because diplomatically, it shows one of the founding six is willing to work with the British on EU reform.
Letters: Britain’s future depends on relations with countries outside the eurozone
18 October 2015
The Telegraph
Jaw-jaw, not war-warSIR – Britain is lucky to have the thoroughly professional Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to analyse threats to security and work with partners in tackling them.Thus the FCO recently played an exemplary role in the successful diplomacy that has curbed Iran’s nuclear programme.
Shameful and senseless: Europe struggles with refugee crisis
18 October 2015
Eurasia Review
The underlying geopolitical question remains important as Rem Korteweg of the CER writes: "Europe's leaders are overly focused on dealing with the symptoms — the large groups of migrants and refugees coming to Europe — rather than fighting the causes."
Britain to put commerce with China first in President Xi Jinping's state visit
17 October 2015
The New York Times
"Obviously, George Osborne has decided that getting the Chinese to invest large amounts in the UK is the salvation of the UK economy," said Ian Bond, the director of foreign policy of the CER. "He is running roughshod over the Foreign Office and security policy."
Insider dealing: Euro outs fear that euro ins might do them down
17 October 2015
The Economist
As Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform puts it, "other EU countries that know little about finance - or that seek to favour their own financial centres - could vote for rules that harm [the City's] competitiveness."
Common market economics: Better off in or out?
17 October 2015
The Economist
The effects of EU membership on trade patterns are difficult to measure, but John Springford of the CER think-tank, and colleagues have carried out a modelling exercise which concluded that Britain's trade with the rest of the EU was 5 per cent greater than it would have been if outside.
The geopolitical question: Most of Britain's friends in the world would prefer it to stay in
17 October 2015
The Economist
The Out campaign's simple message about Britain restoring control over its own destiny sounds seductive, as Charles Grant of the CER points out. He also notes that the new Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, like the more left-leaning trade unions, seems less than committed to Britain's EU membership.
Merkel's dilemma as Germany frets over refugees
17 October 2015
The Telegraph
"Merkel has taken a relatively bold stance in last couple of weeks," says Christian Odendahl of the CER . "Her challenge is that she needs on the one hand to solve the problem, while retaining her moral authority on the other."
The Cameron contagion: Britain spreads referendum fever across the EU
15 October 2015
The Telegraph
If Britain votes to remain, Mr Hollande may conclude his best option is to bow to Mrs Le Pen and offer France a referendum, concludes Dr Rem Korteweg of the CER. "There is copy-cat behaviour, but I would not blame David Cameron," he says.
Accept immigrant influx, don't resist it
15 October 2015
Voice of America
Christian Odendahl of the CER, said the migrants could help ease the "brain drain" of young professionals from the Balkans and Europe. "The refugee crisis, of course, poses a challenge, but also it has the potential to help Europe – or parts of Europe – solve their demographic problems," he explained.
David Cameron's problem: Britain is seen as the 'nasty' country in Europe
14 October 2015
The Telegraph
As Charles Grant, the director of the CER , observes in a forthcoming European Commission position paper, Britain is increasingly "unpopular" in Europe and – thanks to our response to the migrant crisis – is now often seen as the "nasty" country.
Iran comes closer to opening economy as parliament approves nuclear deal
13 October 2015
City A.M
Rem Korteweg of the CER, said Iran's economy will receive "a lot of investment in all areas". "Iran has an educated population with great potential that has suffered under the sanctions. Transport, construction, telecommunications and finance are just some of the many sectors that are set to benefit."