China & Russia

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Europe and Russia: Continental divide?

Europe and Russia: Continental divide?

01 April 2014
In annexing Crimea, Putin has violated a taboo. The West should respond by deterring further adventurism, reinforcing regional security and encouraging change in Russia.
Poland and Ukraine: A tale of two economies

Poland and Ukraine: A tale of two economies

Simon Tilford
31 March 2014
The EU finally needs to fulfil its moral obligation to Ukraine: to treat it like any other sovereign country trying to escape Russia's grasp.
Annual report 2013

Annual report 2013

10 February 2014
Charles Grant discusses the challenges facing the EU in 2014, such as the European elections, Britain's slide towards the exit and the continuing travails of the eurozone.
EU-Russia relations: Partnership on ice?

EU-Russia relations: Partnership on ice?

27 January 2014
The EU and Russia hold too many unproductive summits. The EU should defend its interests, instead of pretending that it has a partnership with Russia.
The Eastern Partnership: The road from Vilnius leads to ...?

The Eastern Partnership: The road from Vilnius leads to ...?

09 December 2013
The EU's Eastern Partners are increasingly heterogeneous. Reform-minded Georgia and Moldova deserve support; Ukraine needs tough love. The EU should stand up to Russian pressure.
Ukraine: Edging towards the EU?

Ukraine: Edging towards the EU?

24 October 2013
If Ukraine signs an EU Association Agreement next month, that is only the start. Implementing it will take hard work from Kyiv and support from Brussels.
Is Putin going soft?

Is Putin going soft?

16 October 2013
Vladimir Putin seems to be opening up Russia’s political system, a little. But his hard-line tactics in Russia’s neighbourhood are failing to win friends.
Europe cannot make up its mind about the US pivot

Europe cannot make up its mind about the US pivot

Rem Korteweg
27 September 2013
Two years ago the United States announced a renewed focus on the Asia-Pacific. Its strategic rebalance – also known as the 'pivot' – is driven, among other things, by worries about security. But the EU and its member-states are confused about what this American shift means for their...
Division and indecision over Syria

Division and indecision over Syria

Rem Korteweg
18 September 2013
The Syrian crisis has split Europe and the US. They should push for a common Security Council position, but an ambiguous resolution may lead to military action and further division.
How the EU can help Kerry with Israeli and Palestinian peace talks

How the EU can help Kerry with Israeli and Palestinian peace talks

Clara Marina O'Donnell
07 August 2013
The US convinced Israelis and Palestinians to sign up to new negotiations. The EU's actions helped, and it can do more.
Putin's Russia: Stability and stagnation

Putin's Russia: Stability and stagnation

02 August 2013
Although Russia's economy is slowing, its politics is very stable. Meanwhile the Edward Snowden affair is damaging Moscow's relationship with Washington.
Hope and trials in Myanmar

Hope and trials in Myanmar

Katinka Barysch
26 July 2013
Myanmar is poised between an awful past and a promising but uncertain future. With international help it can tackle its problems and fulfil its potential.
Edward Snowden's '1984'

Edward Snowden's '1984'

24 July 2013
Europe needs a serious debate on privacy and security, not hypocritical outrage about American spying or opportunistic attempts to block transatlantic trade talks.
Challenges of a multipolar world: The United States, India, and the European Uni

Challenges of a multipolar world: The United States, India, and the European Union in the Asia-Pacific

Rohan Mukherjee, Clara Marina O'Donnell
11 July 2013
The German Marshall Fund of the US
As the United States has grown concerned about escalating tensions in the Asia-Pacific and increased its involvement in the region, it has sought to enlist the help of two of the largest economic and military powers in the world: India and Europe.
The CER Commission on the UK and the Single Market

The CER commission on the UK and the EU single market

12 June 2013
The case for British membership of the EU has always rested primarily on the country's participation in the single market. The CER's commission on the UK and the single market will examine whether participation in the EU helps or hinders Britain's economy. If the referendum on EU membership takes place, the commission's report will provide balanced evidence to help the UK make its decision.
Why the has eurozone's recovery been weaker than the US's?

Why has the eurozone's recovery been weaker than the US's?

Philip Whyte
24 May 2013
The eurozone has experienced a much weaker economic recovery than the US since 2009. The reason is that it has made more glaring policy mistakes.