China & Russia

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Transatlantic trade

Transatlantic trade: walk before you run

Aurore Wanlin
01 December 2006
Ever since the EU forged its plans for a single market, in the late 1980s, there has periodically been interest in the idea of establishing a transatlantic single market – removing not only tariffs, but also non-tariff barriers to trade and investment.
Climate Change: Western business can help China and India

Climate Change: Western business can help China and India

Katinka Barysch
17 November 2006
We Europeans are proud pioneers in combating climate change. But what we do at home is almost irrelevant unless we persuade and help China and India to limit emissions.
The EU and Russia: From principle to pragmatism

The EU and Russia: From principle to pragmatism

Katinka Barysch
10 November 2006
The EU and Russia find it difficult to get on. Europeans are disturbed by the Russian government's scant regard for civil liberties, its tightening grip on the energy sector and its bullying of neighbouring countries.
Global challenges will drive European reform

Global challenges will drive European reform

Nick Butler
02 October 2006
When the first CER bulletin was published, almost a decade ago, the emphasis was firmly on the word ‘reform’. The EU had fulfilled its original purpose. Western Europe was an area of security, peace and, in the main, prosperity.
Issue 50 - 2006 file thumbnail

Issue 50 - 2006

Charles Grant, David Miliband, Nick Butler
29 September 2006
A compact between China and the European Union file thumbnail

A compact between China and the European Union

Charles Grant, Chen Shuxun, Cui Zhiyuan, Feng Zhongping, Gao Shixian, Gu Zhenqiang, Pan Jiahua, Xing Hua, Zhou Hong, François Godement, Mark Leonard, Eberhard Sandschneider, Andrew Small
05 September 2006
CER - FPC - DGAP - Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Asia Centre
Both the European Union and China are committed to giving the Sino-European relationship a genuinely strategic dimension. Since they announced this objective in 2004, there has been a blossoming of 'strategic dialogues', both bilateral and multilateral. These have ensured that broader strategic and geo-political issues are now on the agenda...
Turkey, Russia and modern nationalism

Turkey, Russia and modern nationalism

01 August 2006
The EU faces few challenges greater than working out a modus vivendi with two large and difficult neighbours. The way the Union chooses to deal with this duo will do much to determine its future character.
Bulletin issue 49

Issue 49 - 2006

Charles Grant, Edgar Buckley, Angela Heath
28 July 2006
Can we live with a nuclear Iran?

Can we live with a nuclear Iran?

Mark Leonard
01 June 2006
As Europeans and Americans put together a final package of incentives to divert Iran from its nuclear course, the world is facing up to the possibility of failure.
A new European approach to China

A new European approach to China

Mark Leonard
03 April 2006
Until now EU policy towards China has focused mainly on domestic issues: opening up China’s economy, protecting intellectual property, improving respect for human rights, and securing the readmission of illegal migrants.
Bulletin issue 47

Issue 47 - 2006

Charles Grant, Simon Tilford, Mark Leonard
24 March 2006
EU 2010: A programme for reform

EU 2010: A programme for reform

Charles Grant, Hugo Brady, Katinka Barysch, Simon Tilford, Daniel Keohane, Mark Leonard, Aurore Wanlin
03 February 2006
The European Union is suffering from a profound malaise. There have been difficult times in the past – such as the 'empty chair' left by General de Gaulle in the mid-1960s, the rows over the British budget contribution in the early 1980s, and the struggles to ratify the Maastricht treaty...
India and the EU: strategic partners?

India and the EU: strategic partners?

01 February 2006
Most EU governments take very little interest in India. That is likely to change. According to Goldman Sachs’ (admittedly speculative) research, over the next half century India will grow faster than any other large national economy.
Bulletin issue 46

Issue 46 - 2006

Charles Grant, Stephen Tindale, Carl Bildt
27 January 2006
Can EU diplomacy stop Iran's nuclear programme?

Can EU diplomacy stop Iran's nuclear programme?

Mark Leonard
04 November 2005
When Iran restarted its nuclear programme in August 2005, it seemed to obliterate two years of EU efforts to persuade Tehran not to build a nuclear bomb. However, Mark Leonard argues that the EU should persevere with diplomacy.
Fighting terrorism: The EU needs a strategy not a shopping list

Fighting terrorism: The EU needs a strategy not a shopping list

Hugo Brady, Daniel Keohane
11 October 2005
The fight against international terrorism is a key priority of Britain's EU presidency. Following the July London bombings, the British government is understandably keen to speed up European counter-terrorism efforts.
Can variable geometry save EU enlargement?

Can variable geometry save EU enlargement?

03 October 2005
All over Europe, politicians are becoming more hostile to further EU enlargement. One reason is that electorates in many countries oppose it. Another is that the EU’s ‘widening’ has always been closely linked to its ‘deepening’.
Russia, the EU and the common neighbourhood

Russia, the EU and the common neighbourhood

Dmitri Trenin
02 September 2005
Throughout the 1990s, Russia tended to underestimate the impact of the EU's forthcoming eastward enlargement. Compared with NATO's expansion into post-Communist territory, EU enlargement looked like the lesser evil.
Embracing the dragon

Embracing the dragon: The EU's partnership with China

02 May 2005
The EU is now China's biggest trading partner. European companies are ploughing billions of euro into the booming Chinese market. The EU offers Beijing help in areas such as fighting pollution and writing better laws.