What is wrong with the European Commission?
27 June 2013
The Commission should be strong and independent. But as it becomes dependent on the European Parliament, it is losing the respect of national capitals.
Turkey’s Twitter generation is its European future
19 June 2013
The protests in Turkey show Erdogan's leadership style is at odds with the more pluralist and modern society that his government's EU-inspired reforms have fostered.
Priorities for EU development aid
14 June 2013
The European Commission should manage more development aid. This should be spent on programmes which best meet human needs, irrespective of foreign policy priorities.
The CER commission on the UK and the EU single market
12 June 2013
The case for British membership of the EU has always rested primarily on the country's participation in the single market. The CER's commission on the UK and the single market will examine whether participation in the EU helps or hinders Britain's economy. If the referendum on EU membership takes place, the commission's report will provide balanced evidence to help the UK make its decision.
Can national parliaments make the EU more legitimate?
10 June 2013
The euro crisis has hit the EU's legitimacy. Part of the answer is to give national parliamentarians a bigger role in the EU.
The CER commission on the UK and the single market
07 June 2013
The CER's commission was launched this week. Policy experts, economists and business people will examine the economic case for and against EU membership.
Tilting at European windmills
29 May 2013
Britain's debate about the costs and benefits of EU membership is welcome and overdue. It should be based on informed analysis, not scary sound bites.
A Balkan map for the road to Damascus?
24 May 2013
Everyone's policy in Syria has failed. Bosnia may teach us about the combination of tough action and painful compromise needed to bring about peace.
Issue 90 - 2013
24 May 2013
Why has the eurozone's recovery been weaker than the US's?
24 May 2013
The eurozone has experienced a much weaker economic recovery than the US since 2009. The reason is that it has made more glaring policy mistakes.
Could Britain's coalition collapse over EU police co-operation?
24 May 2013
Britain's government has finally reached internal agreement on opting out of EU police co-operation. But the fragile accord exposes the coalition’s fundamental differences over Europe.
A dose of inflation would help the eurozone medicine go down
16 May 2013
Eurozone policy-makers are complacent about the risks of low inflation. If the euro is to survive, inflation will need to rise significantly, especially in Germany.
Commission should move to structural reform of the ETS
09 May 2013
The EU should set an ETS price floor, to attract investment to low-carbon options. The Commission should propose this without further delay.
EU energy: Decarbonisation and economic competitiveness
07 May 2013
House of Lords
Energy is central to climate change mitigation. Over three quarters of the EU-27’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the production and use of energy. Energy is also central to the economy, fuelling industry and providing substantial employment.
Saving emissions trading from irrelevance
02 May 2013
TGAE report
Uncontrolled climate change is the greatest risk that humanity faces. The main burden will fall on developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
Europe's trade strategy: Promise or peril?
02 May 2013
TGAE report
Europe's growth strategy is based on a larger trade surplus with the rest of the world, to make up for slow domestic growth, as consumers are weighed down by debt.
NATO and the costs of star wars
01 May 2013
Europeans should convince the US to scale back its missile defences ambitions. American defences do not work. They are also creating unnecessary tensions with Russia.
The working time directive: What's the fuss about?
26 April 2013
The working time directive has had limited impact on British business. It has caused trouble in hospitals partly because the NHS relies so heavily on junior doctors.
European austerity: Turn or TINA?
25 April 2013
Despite the overwhelming weight of evidence, both empirical and theoretical, many policy-makers will continue to trot out Margaret Thatcher's favourite line: there is no alternative.
Is the euro crisis responsible for populism?
19 April 2013
The euro crisis is fuelling populism but it is not the only reason. Italy and Greece are special cases. Political uncertainty would prevail without austerity.