Future is Blue: Trade wars on wheels? The Commission investigates Chinese electric cars
26 October 2023
Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, shares great insights about the Commission investigation into Chinese state subsidies affecting cars imported to Europe.
BBC News: EU pause in military activity is less ambitious than ceasefire
23 October 2023
Luigi Scazieri spoke to BBC News, "I think it's fair to say that the initial response [from the EU] was not particularly smooth. In the days immediately after the Hamas atrocities, there were visible divisions between the member-states and different parts of the EU institutions. And in particular, Commission President...
The Spectator podcast: Has Brexit failed?
07 October 2023
Seven years after the Brexit vote, Katy Balls is joined for a fringe panel from the Conservative Party Conference to discuss if voting to leave the EU was worth it, where the wins are and if opportunities are being missed. Katy Balls in conversation with John Redwood MP, Theresa Villiers MP, Camilla Cavendish, Charles Grant, CER and Vote Leave founder Matthew Elliott.
BNR Radio: Nederland heeft geen last van 'zieke' Duitse economie
03 October 2023
Nederland hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken dat de slechte staat van de Duitse economie invloed gaat hebben op de Nederlandse economie. Dat zegt Sander Tordoir senior econoom van denktank Centre for European Reform in het economenvakblad ESB. 'Er zijn structureel diepere problemen in de Duitse economie die zich nu wreken.'
Sky News: What's the significance of Starmer's EU comments?
21 September 2023
"One of the benefits of Brexit is supposed to be that the British are free to set their own rules."
European Parliament: Public hearing on the new economic governance rules fit for the future
20 September 2023
At the European Parliament’s hearing on the reform of Europe’s fiscal framework, Sander Tordoir argued
Spectator podcast: Will Starmer soften Brexit?
19 September 2023
Oscar Edmondson speaks to Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform in a podcast on where a Labour government would take British relations with the EU.
Channel 4 News: Keir Starmer said he would boost growth by rewriting the Brexit deal
18 September 2023
"Will Starmer try and go beyond his red lines? The impression I get from talking to people in the Labour leadership is they know they've got to go further ...
Future is Blue: Unpacking German economic troubles
06 September 2023
Is the German economy again the sick man of Europe, as it was once labelled back in the late 90s? We take a look at the current economic challenges of Germany together with Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, and Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director.
Monocle Radio - The Monocle Daily: Russia lambasts the Ukraine peace talks
07 August 2023
Russia lambasts peace talks hosted by Saudi Arabia – to which Moscow was not invited. With Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER and Daniella Peled.
Monocle Radio: The Monocle Daily
03 July 2023
In the studio, Terry Stiastny and Ian Bond discuss the EU’s approach to Russian assets, why France and Germany have fallen out of love and how ‘Barbie’ has become an unlikely agitator in Vietnam.
Britanski diplomata za N1: Čini se kao da narod u Rusiji voli Vagnerovce
27 June 2023
Bivši britanski ambasador u Letoniji i ekspert za postsovjetski prostor Ijan Bond izjavio je u emisiji Global fokus da je predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin mnogo ranjiviji nego što se mislilo,
Future is blue podcast: How can the EU have a successful China policy?
27 June 2023
In this show our host Carlos Carnicero Urabayen talks to Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, and Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director, about how can Europe implement the China policy it needs for a successful relationship with Asia's superpower.
Newstalk: The Wagner group is posing the biggest ever threat
26 June 2023
Speaking to Joe on the show this morning was Ian Bond a former diplomat and now director for foreign policy at the CER.
Bruselas, ¿te quiero? Preocupación por el pacto migratorio y los problemas financieros de la UE
24 June 2023
En esta edición de "Bruselas, ¿te quiero?" debatimos sobre el pacto de asilo y migración de la UE en el contexto de los recientes naufragios en Europa en los que han perdido la vida decenas de migrantes.
BBC Newsnight: Cost of Ukraine reconstruction
19 June 2023
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER says "Lawyers differ on this, but there are at least precedents for state assets being taken and used for other purposes."
Newstalk: Push for far more energy independence for the continent
14 June 2023
Elisabetta Cornago from the CER spoke to Joie this morning on the show about the European Commission's hopes to break the link between wholesale gas and electricity prices and push for far more energy independence for the continent.
Polityka Insight: Camino Mortera-Martinez on relationships between Poland and EU
09 June 2023
In the last years the relationship between Poland and the EU has been difficult. Camino Mortera-Martinez from the CER has explained the situation on the Polityka Insight podcast.
ESG Insider podcast: Unpacking the EU's green deal industrial plan
09 June 2023
In this episode of the ESG Insider podcast, we’re turning our attention to the European Union and digging into the Green Deal Industrial Plan.
ITV News: Sunak announces 'Atlantic Declaration' to boost UK-US ties after Biden talks
08 June 2023
John Springford from the CER says the declaration may lift UK economic growth a little but won’t have the economic heft of a comprehensive free-trade agreement